Category: News
MRTG Review at
March 2012 Released: 2011, Duke University Press Rating: 4.0/5 Reviewer: JP This book METAL RULES THE GLOBE wins the award for ‘Most Obvious Book Title Of The Year’. Of course Metal rules the globe! I’ve known that for 30 years. That’s why our founder EvilG named this site, Metal Rules. Metal not only rules the…
Metal Rules the Globe Book Signing Friday, March 9th
Metal Rules the Globe Book Signing Friday, March 9th 7:00 ~ 9:00 PM RamaLama Records 3151 West Central Ave. Toledo, OH Details:
MRTG is finally out and looks amazing. Eleven harrowing years have ended in triumph! I’ll be doing a book signing (the first of many) at the Spiral Bookcase, an independent bookstore in Philadelphia, on Thursday, January 5th 6-8 PM. Info:
JCR Special Issue on Metal Studies
Metal Rules the Globe is scheduled to be released in late November on Duke University Press In the eleven long years it has taken to bring the volume to fruition, metal studies has been transformed from a preposterous notion to a burgeoning and intellectually vibrant area of inquiry. Here’s the info on a new…
Metal and Popular Culture Conference Postponed / Indonesian Metal in Toledo, Ohio
Due to some competing metal studies conferences being scheduled around the same time, the planning committee has decided to postpone the Heavy Metal and Popular Culture Conference to spring 2013. The conference will be held in Bowling Green, Ohio on the campus of Bowling Green State University. Please watch this space for further details! In…
This just in! The Annual Meeting of the US Chapter of the International Association for the Study of Popular Music, to be held March 9-13, 2011 in Cincinnati, Ohio, will include the following conference panel: METAL RULES THE GLOBE: CASE STUDIES IN HEAVY METAL MUSIC AROUND THE WORLD Frequently misunderstood and maligned in its countries…
MRTG out in January 2012
We just received official word from Duke University Press that “Metal Rules the Globe is now in production as one of the first books on our Spring 2012 list.” This is a later publication date than we would have liked, but issues with artwork and permissions delayed the transmittal of the manuscript to production. However,…
Welcome to!
As I write this, the official launch of this website is a month and a half away and the book release is, well, we still aren’t sure. Next year some time. This project has been in the works for quite a long time. It started as a panel discussion back in November 2000 at an…